ShariShamPain (comments)
Displaying 1 - 18 of 18 comments
It's Indie rock' n roll for me, too. I know what u mean.
Awesome name!
Where'd your parents get that name from?
&& I have the same glasses,
but mine are fake!
I wear them for fashion purposes ;)
I'm Priscilla;
nice to meet you! :)
and no band I'm a layout site, yet I don't post any of my layouts on here.
Haha, it's set to come out November 20th =]
267 days :D
and Eclipse may come out june 30th :DDDDDDDDD
Haha, and gosh, same. My school is killing me :|
Yeah I do,
np :D
and nice to meet you Shari,
I'm pretty good thanks for asking
how about you?
Haha, I really want it to come out but she's going to wait a few years until she contiunes writing it (last I heard anyway) so it won't be released till 2012 or something :(
I'm quite well thanks! ^_^
Bit tired but oh well.
How are you? :3
you sure are! :p
booooorrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeddd ddd.
what brings you to cB?
Hi Shari. (:
I'm Michael. I'm doing alright. I'm working on my homework at the moment.
How are you?
nice to meet you
im doing pretty good working on a layout actually..
im calling it why 6 is afraid of 7 haha
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